Firmamız,2002 yılında kurulmuş olup, bu tarihten itibaren kalite, dürüstlük, titizlik ve doğruluk kavramlarını temel prensip edinmiştir.
en-ez, enez, en-ez inşaat, yol yapımı, tünel yapımı, sıcak karışım asfalt işleri, yapısal mühendislik hizmetleri, köprü ve viyadük yapımı, yan iş sahaları,
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About our company

EN-EZ Construction Company was established in 2002 and since then we have adopted quality, decency, rigour and accuracy as our main principles.

In virtue of our experience, financial strength and qualified manpower, we always aim to go further by following and utilizing the state-of-art technologies into our projects.

With this awareness, we’ve worked meticulously and steadily since our foundation.

EN-EZ operates in different fields such as;

Highway Construction


Hot Mix Asphalt Works

Structural Engineering

Bridge and Viaduct Constructions

Countries we work:

Our company’s fields of other activities;

Tunnel illumination, Signalization and Mechanical construction works
Electromechanic in highways and railroads, signalization, illumination and traffic signs.
Rock pit management and metallurgy
Management of rock pit to meet our needs on aggregates and concrete.
Telephone and smart grid
Construction of communication Networks(Fiber optics cables and accessories,
coppercable assemblies and accessories projects),building automation systems.
Residence and hotel building constructions in different cities around Turkey