Firmamız,2002 yılında kurulmuş olup, bu tarihten itibaren kalite, dürüstlük, titizlik ve doğruluk kavramlarını temel prensip edinmiştir.
en-ez, enez, en-ez inşaat, yol yapımı, tünel yapımı, sıcak karışım asfalt işleri, yapısal mühendislik hizmetleri, köprü ve viyadük yapımı, yan iş sahaları,
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Special Provincial Administration of ErzurumConstruction of Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Yakutiye-Aziziye-Palandöken-Tekman-Hınıs-bridgevillageYakutiye-Aziziye-Palandöken-Tekman-Hınıs-Köprüköy2010
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of Yumurtalik Construction of Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Adana district Yumurtalık district Zeytinbeyli-Ayvalık junctionYumurtalık - Adana2009
Sivas 16th Regional Directorate of Highway CommissionFoundation Construction using crushed Stone chips from the crushed hearthstone and transportation, earth Works and engineering structural ConstructionKelkit - Gümüşhane2009
District governorate Union of delivery service of Pazarcik Construction of 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads Kahramanmaras district Pazarcık district Sultanlar-igdeli village road stabilization, Sultanlar-Keles ve Kuzkent village road and Bolukcam villagePazarcık - Kahramanmaraş2009
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of TurkogluConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roadsTürkoğlu - Kahramanmaraş2009
Special Provincial Administration of GumushaneEngineering structure,eath Works and supersturctural Works in Kelkit -ErzincanKelkit - Gümüşhane2009
Turk TelekomTelephone network constructional work in Kocaeli, Sakarya ve Düzce districts. (partnership with Pınar construction)Kocaeli - Sakarya - Düzce2009
EN-EZ Construction 30 flat luxury residence constructionÇankaya - Ankara2009
Specian Provincial Administration of RizeA complete road construction work in Ikizdere Ilıca villageİkizdere - Rize2009
Special provincial Administration of Kahraman MarasConstruction of 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Andirin, Nurhak, Goksun, Afsin, Elbistan and EkinozuAndırın, Nurhak, Göksun, Afşin, Elbistan, Ekinözü - K.Maraş2008
District governorate Union of Delivery Service of BigadicConstruction of Surface Dressing with 1st coat Asphalt for village roads in BigadicBigadiç - Balıkesir2008
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of Yüreğir Construction of Surface Dressing with 1st coat Asphalt for village roads in in YuregirYüreğir - Adana2008
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of Kozan Construction of Surface Dressing with 1st coat Asphalt for village roads in KozanKozan - Adana2008
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of SiranConstruction of Surface Dressing with Asphalt 2nd coat for village roads in SiranŞiran - Gümüşhane2008
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of AfşinConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roadsAfşin - Kahramanmaraş2008
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of ArmutConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roadsArmutlu - Yalova2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of CınarcıkConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roadsÇınarcık - Yalova2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of Ciftlik village Construction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roadsÇiftlikköy - Yalova2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of BigadicConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roadsBigadiç - Balıkesir2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of KepsutConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roadsKepsut - Balıkesir2007
Mayoralty of Cobanbeyl- Afsin/KahramanmarasConstruction of Surface Dressing with 1st coat Asphalt for village roads in CobanbeyliAfşin - Kahramanmaraş2007
Mayoralty of Esence - Afsin/KahramanmarasConstruction of Surface Dressing with 1st coat Asphalt for village roads in Esence municipality Muhtelif street Ekinözü - Kahramanmaraş2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of EkinozuConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Ekinozu districtAfşin - Kahramanmaraş2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of AfsinConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Afsin districtElbistan - Kahramanmaraş2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of ElbistanConstruction of Surface Dressing with 1st coat Asphalt for village roads in ElbistanKöse - Gümüşhane2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of KoseConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Kose districtŞiran - Gümüşhane2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of SiranConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Siran districtŞiran - Gümüşhane2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of KelkitConstruction of Surface Dressing with Asphalt 2nd coat for village roads in Kelkit districtKelkit - Gümüşhane2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of KelkitConstruction of Surface Dressing with Asphalt 1st coat for village roads in Kelkit districtKelkit - Gümüşhane2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of YumurtalıkConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Yumurtalik districtYumurtalık - Adana2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of YuregirConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Yüreğir districtYüreğir - Adana2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of KozanConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Kozan districtKozan - Adana2007
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of NurhakRoad stabilization in Nurhak district at the village of MuhtelifNurhak- Kahramanmaraş2006
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of EkinozuConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in EkinozuEkinözü - Kahramanmaraş2006
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of ElbistanConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in ElbistanElbistan - Kahramanmaraş2006
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of AfsinConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in AfsinAfşin - Adana2006
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of KozanConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in KozanKozan - Adana2006
District governorate Union of delivery service of YuregirRoad stabilization works in Yuregir district at the village of MuhtelifYüreğir - Adana2006
District governorate Union of delivery service of YuregirConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in YuregirYüreğir - Adana2006
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of Kelkit Road stabilization in Muhtelif village/Elbistan districtKelkit - Gümüşhane2006
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of KelkitConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Kelkit districtKelkit - Gümüşhane2006
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of SiranConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Siran districtŞiran - Gümüşhane2006
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of SiranRoad stabilization in Muhtelif village/Siran district.Şiran - Gümüşhane2006
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of KoseConstruction of Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Kose Kose – Gumushane2006
Regional Governorate Union of Delivery Service of GaziantepConstruction of 1st and 2nd coat Surface Dressing with Asphalt for village roads in Sahinbey districtŞahinbey - Gaziantep2005
Regional Governorate Union of Delivery Service of Gaziantep Construction of Surface Dressing with 1st coat Asphalt for village roads in Araban districtAraban - Gaziantep2005
District Governorate Union of Delivery Service of of GaziantepConstruction of Surface Dressing with 1st coat Asphalt for village roads in Islahiye districtİslahiye - Gaziantep2005
16th Regional Directorate Highway Commission of SivasSupplying of material for road foundation in Refahiye - ErzincanRefahiye - Erzincan2005
Mayoralty of KirikkaleConstruction of Asphalt Concrete Binder in Samsun Old RoadKırıkkale2005

En-Ez İnşaat Taahhüt Telekominikasyon Enerji San. ve Tic.Ltd.Şti.