Sapça & Üzülmez Tunnels Const. Work – ZONGULDAK
Firmamız,2002 yılında kurulmuş olup, bu tarihten itibaren kalite, dürüstlük, titizlik ve doğruluk kavramlarını temel prensip edinmiştir.
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Sapça & Üzülmez Tunnels Const. Work – ZONGULDAK

Project Employer

Turkish General Directorate Of Highways; 15th Regional Directorate KASTAMONU

Project Title

Devrek-Çaycuma ; Improvement on Zonguldak Sapça Road (Left Tube - 19+657-20+955 km) and Üzülmez Road (30+091-31+270 km) tunnels and the road construction between 30+083-31+313 km for Sapça tunnel.

Project Date Of Start


Project Completion Date


Completed Projects
About This Project
  • Scope of this project is construction of 590 m twin tube and 630 m mono tube, total 1.810 m tunnel construction. Also all electro mechanic works and 350 km fiber optic has done during this project.
  • Also various type excavations, engineering structures, derange works, Tunnel electronic and electro mechanic works has done during this project.

This project consists of the following items:

  • 168.800 m3 Tunnel Excavation
  • 12.000 m3 Concrete injection (C 25/30)
  • 24.300 m3 Ultimate Concrete (C25/30)
  • 15.000 m3 Invert and Beam Concrete (C20/25)(C20/25)
  • 189.400 mt Bolt